The Issues Facing The Ummah
There is no doubt about the fact that the ummah has a lot of problems. I am not referring only to global issues, but we have many local problems as well. Wherever you travel in the Muslim world, you will discover problems and trials afflicting the Muslims. This is a reality and it won’t go away by us just sitting around complaining about it.
Complaining is easy. Anybody can sit and complain about how bad things are, but what does it actually accomplish? Nothing changes or improves because of a group of angry people complaining on social media or in their private circles. Change requires constructive action, and each of us has something that we can do to make a change in this world.
“You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right, forbid what is wrong, and believe in Allah.” (Surah Aal-Imraan 3:110)
What can I do?
I am not asking you to change the world and fix all the problems of the ummah globally. No, focus on what you can fix. Focus on what you have the ability to change and dedicate your spare time to doing so.
You may not be able to resolve the ongoing conflicts in Syria, but you can contribute to resolving crime, racism, and unemployment in South Africa. You may not be able to save Palestine physically but you can join the BDS movement and boycott products that clearly support the oppressors.
The key is to set goals for your life that benefit the ummah. Find some skill that you have that can benefit others and utilize those skills to accomplish goals that benefit others. It may seem small and insignificant in the grander scheme of things, but every little bit of good helps. Think about it, if each of us is working on fixing one problem of the ummah, eventually our combined efforts will resolve hundreds, if not thousands, of such problems.
Make Dua
Another thing we can do instead of complaining is to make dua. Making dua takes the same amount of time and effort as complaining but it is far more productive. Complaining can’t change anything but a sincere dua can. The next time you see something wrong that you can’t fix, turn to the one who can and ask Allah to help the ummah fix all of its problems.
Together we can make a difference. Allah has created us for this purpose. We do not exist to just sit around watching TV and playing video games all day.
As We have all been given skills and talents that can benefit this ummah. So We need to believe that we truly can make a different with Allah’s help and dedicate our time to doing so. I truly believe that the small efforts each of us make in benefiting humanity will all pile up, and in this way we will see a brighter future for the next generation, in shaa Allah.
“O you who believe, if you support Allah, He will support you and plant firmly your feet,” (Surah Muhammad 47:7)
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