
Reflections: 5 Years of Homeschooling

Reflections: 5 Years of Homeschooling

In 2013, I made a very difficulty decision: I decided that in 2014 I will begin homeschooling my children. It was a difficult and frightening decision because it was something new, something different, and one of those things you can’t see the result of until years later. 5 years of homeschooling later…I believe it was one of the best decisions of my life.

My children are growing beautifully. They have excellent character, a love of learning, and loving personalities. The results of homeschooling so far have been even better than I imagined.

As my eldest children begin their sixth year of homeschooling, I am reflecting on many of the lessons I learned over the past five years. Here are five of the most important ones.

1. Homeschooling is hard work

I work multiple jobs and run multiple online businesses. But nothing I do is harder than homeschooling my children. It is time consuming, requires a lot of thinking, planning, research and buckets of patience.

Yet it is at the same time the most fulfilling aspect of my life. I truly believe that anything worth doing is hard work. And homeschooling is no exception. It is hard work but the fruits of it are worth it. It is a long term investment a great future for our children, what could be a better usage of time than that?

If you plan to homeschool your children, do not expect it to be easy. It can be extremely challenging and time consuming but it is definitely worth it.

2. School is obsolete and we need an alternative soon

There is no doubt in my mind that the current school system is obsolete and outdated. It was built for the 20th century and is no longer relevant in the information age. With children now having access to online courses, Google, Wikipedia and YouTube within seconds, there is no real point in memorizing facts about history and geography.

The system needs a major overhaul, or even better a new system altogether to replace it. I spend a lot of my time thinking of solutions to this problem that can be applied at a global level. Homeschooling isn’t one of these solutions, and I will explain why in the next point.

3. Homeschooling is not the mass solution

Homeschooling is not the alternative to school that can be applied across the globe for one main reason: it depends on the parents being committed and effective educators. And not every home in the world has such parents.

Homeschooling only works when parents are able to give the time, energy and commitment to make it work. It is entirely dependent on the attitude and aptitude of the parents. Therefore, it may work exceptionally well for a few, but can fail terribly for others.

What we need is something that can be applied across the globe, and is not depended on parents. I spend many hours every day reflecting on this and working on ideas. My hope is one day to invent a new education for the 21st century to replace school.

4. Children are capable for far more than society thinks

Children are extraordinary in their capabilities, but school, society and social norms hold them back too much. This is one thing I love about interacting with other homeschooling families, or adults who were homeschooled as children. They are far more in tune with their capabilities and less restricted by cultural norms.

Why shouldn’t a 10 year old start his own business?

Why shouldn’t an 8 year old write and publish her first book?

Why can’t a 13 year old invent a device that benefits humanity?

Our children are capable of so much, so do not hold them back from realizing their God-given potential.

5. A family that studies together sticks together

One of my favorite things about homeschooling is the amount of quality time spent with my family. The result is extremely close bonds with every member of the family.

Being able to develop a close relationship with each of your children is priceless. It is something every family must focus on, regardless of whether you homeschool or not.

Even if you don’t homeschool, make time at least one a week for the family to study together. Whether it is a group discussion, a family field trip, reading time or watching beneficial YouTube videos together. Whatever works for you, just make time to connect with your children on an intellectual level. The bonds this creates are priceless.

If you want to learn more about homeschooling, sign up for our free homeschooling course by clicking here.

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Homeschooling

10 Alternative Methods of Education

Alternative Methods Of Education

10 Alternative Methods of Education

It is no secret that I despise the modern school system. I believe it kills creativity and self-confidence, makes children hate learning, and creates an unnatural unhealthy social atmosphere, among other problems. This is why I am a huge fan of alternative methods of education.

You see…it turns out that humans don’t really need school. Many people across the globe educate themselves daily without the need for grades, subjects, and exams. They are self-motivated and driven, and often use one or more of the following alternative methods of education.

So here are 10 alternative methods of education that you can apply to yourself or your children. I believe all 10 of these methods are more effective than traditional school teaching.

NOTE: Even if your children go to school, you can still utilize these methods after school hours, during holidays and on weekends.

1. Family Discussions

Just hang out with your children and discuss topics that they are interested in. Children learn far more in an hour of healthy respectful discussion than in an entire day of forced schooling. When making time for your children, make sure in include time to discuss the topics that really matter to them.

2. Integrated Learning

The world isn’t divided into subjects like science, maths, geography and history. It is all interlinked. So why not utilize a similar method to teach your children. Focus on themes and topics, and explore everything related to the topic. For example, the biography of Al-Khawarizmi can be a theme. From this theme, they can learn Islamic History, Maths, Science, History of Maths and Science, and Life Lessons, without using any of these terms. An integrated approach is more natural and holistic.

3. Unschooling

Unschooling is the philosophy that humans learn best when they are self-motivated and left to explore their personal interests. It is the belief that if children are left on their own, they will learn whatever they need to excel in life without being forced to learn specific subjects. I was skeptical of this philosophy at first, but after experimenting with it for a few years, I have found it to be very effective. Learn more about my homeschooling experiments here.

4. Apprenticeship

This is the oldest education method I know of. It existed long before the modern school system, and is very effective. For some reason, humans have moved away from it despite its effectiveness. This is a very simple method: If your child is interested in a career in a specific field, let him serve as an apprentice to an expert in that field from a young age, and he will grow into it.

5. Mentorship

Simply put: if your child admires an adult member of your community for their piety, good manners, or other great qualities. Then ask that community member to mentor your child. He/she can become a positive role model and influence on the child, and the child will learn much more from conversations with a mentor than from the school system.

6. Reading

Good old school reading. Nurture the love of reading in your children. Develop in them a love for non-fiction especially. If you can nurture in them the love of reading non-fiction, then they will continue reading for life. And will continue learning for life. This is one of the most important habits you can nurture in your child.

7. Online Courses

Why limit education to the subjects that schools teach? If your child takes an interest in a subject not taught in school, sign them up for an online course in that subject instead. They will learn very quickly with online courses. We, at Islamic Self Help, firmly believe that online courses and reading books are two of the most effective ways to learn any topic, this is why we publish many online courses and eBooks.

8. Travelling

Not all alternative methods of education are home-based. People learn a lot from travelling. We learn about the natural world, different cultures, different religions, and crucial life skills from travel. Children benefit greatly from such experiences too. If you can afford it, travel with your children. Worldschooling is an amazing educational experience for any child who is lucky to experience it.

9. Writing

The art of writing is not just a hobby or a means of doing work. Writing in private, for example, in a diary, allows a person to look at their thoughts, reflect on them and engage with them. This is a very important learning experience for anybody. Teach your child this method of self-reflection, then give them the privacy to explore their thoughts in writing. They will learn so much from just writing to themselves and reflecting on it.

10. Playing

Children learn through play. In fact, so do adults. The easiest way to learn any skill is to make it fun. For some reason, people have forgotten this and even Kindergarten isn’t fun anymore. This is why I love the Montessori education method. It recognizes the importance of fun in learning.

Turn your home into a fun environment full of edutaining activities and games. Let the children explore, have fun and enjoy these activities and games. They will learn fast and naturally without any adult enforcement. Learning through fun is so effective that some children teach themselves how to read and do maths just by playing fun games on their own.

So there you have it, 10 alternative methods of education. Pick one and try it out. You won’t regret taking the time to help your child rediscover their love of learning.

To learn more about homeschooling, sign up for our free online course here.

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Homeschooling

Unedited Thoughts #3: Homeschooling Experiments

Homeschooling Experiments

Homeschooling Experiments

As I said before, the school system needs to change. We need new methods of learning and education that are faster, more effective and longer lasting. Children need to keep their natural love of learning for life. It should not be kicked out off them with their first year of schooling. Something needs to change. Experiments with new learning methods are a must.

That is why I decided to utilize my homeschooling time to experiment with multiple education methods. With each method, I observe how the children react to it and how much information they retain in the long term. There are basically three methods of education I have being experimenting with recently: integrated learning, casual discussion, and unschooling.

Integrated Learning

I got the idea for integrated learning from this brilliant YouTube series by Mirza Yawar Baig. I highly recommend you watch it and get some ideas from it too.

Integrated learning is defined as a method of education in which students study across multiple subjects without separating them into subjects. This would usually mean focusing on a theme and discussing everything related to that theme.

Example 1: We sat together to read the biography of Ibn Khadlun. What subject would this fall under? Technically, his biography is equal parts history, science, social studies and Islamic studies. So we don’t call it any subject, and just focus on learning lessons from it.

During the study on his biography, we discussed the Islamic Golden Age, the countries he lived in, his theories on societies and economics, the state of the Muslim world at his time, the state of the Muslim world today, the importance of reading, and even a few lessons regarding friendship and jealousy.

Example 2: We looked at a map of Asia and the children pointed to different countries and asked questions about them. During that one hour, we ended up discussing World War I and II, the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the immigration laws of various Asian countries, the populations of some of these countries, the different government systems that exist in Asia, the major religions of Asia, and which major companies are based in Asia.

Result: Integrated learning is now a standard part of my homeschooling system. At least 3 days a week we have an hour allocated to learning in this method. We will either look at a person, a place or a theme, and discuss everything related to it without trying to box the topics into subjects. One interesting result I found is that my children have a very strong retention of the information discussed during these sessions.

Casual Discussion as a form of education

In reality, this happens everyday for many of us. Yet for some reason we don’t look at it as a genuine way to educate children. I have actually merged this with integrated learning and unschooling, and they all flow together during class time.

My theory is that children learn more from casual discussions with adults, as long as:
1. Adults take the discussion seriously.
2. Adults do not dumb down the topic or the vocabulary related to the topic.
3. They talk to the children casually, and not in a authoritative voice.

This method might not work if the child feels they are not being taken seriously. Or that the adult thinks they are dumb, or if it feels like a lecture. It needs to have a casual conversation vibe to it, it must be organic conversation. It cannot be forced.

Example: One of my children asked me about what mazhabs are. We had a long detailed conversation in which he discussed the biographies of the 4 Imams, why people love them, the importance of Fiqh and following scholars, as well as the two extremes people go to in this area. We also discussed why there are different opinions in Islam, the importance of respecting these opinions, and how this differences are actually a mercy for us.

All of this would have went over their head if I had lectured them, not taken the topic seriously or tried to dumb it down. They appreciated getting the full picture, and learned many lessons from this discussion.

Result: Even if your children go to school, make time to have genuine discussions with them after school about topics that are important to them. This is one of the most important sources of learning for any child.

The Unschooling Experiment

When I first heard about unschooling, I dismissed it. It seemed like too radical a concept. For those who don’t know, unschooling means leaving children to learn on their own what they want when they want.

I’m sure anybody introduced to unschooling for the first time might roll their eyes at it. But then I read many stories of successfully unschooled individuals, and decided it what worth experimenting with. So began unschooling Friday.

From Mondays to Thursdays, our homeschool is heavily scheduled. We have time for English, Maths, Integrated Learning, Art, Reading, Quran, Surahs, Arabic and Islamic Studies.

Fridays however are a free for all. I didn’t tell the children that Friday is for unschooling. I simply said that Friday is a casual day and you can learn whatever you want. Then I sit back, take notes, and observe the magic of unschooling in action.

This is how this past Friday went:

I walk into the class and found the children divided into two groups. Both groups were taking turn drawing on tablets with their s-pens. They were immersed in their digital art, so I didn’t interfere. After a while, one child drifted off to read a book. Then another, then another.

They all chose books in different fields. One was reading a science book, another a leadership book meant for adults, and the third was reading hadiths about Dajjal. While they were reading, they kept taking breaks to show each other something interesting they read, and to discuss it. Again I just sat back and observed.

Then my ten year old decided to take out his ‘introduction to programming’ book, open up his programming software on the PC and teach himself to make a video game. He was immersed in the computer for over an hour, experimenting, following the instructions in the book, and learning the terms. After a while, he gave his brothers a turn at it too. They all took turns learning how to program, even my seven year old. A good two hours went like this.

In the meanwhile, one of the children came to ask me about Spain. So began a casual discussion about Spain: its geography, history, the Islamic Golden Age, famous scholars, how Muslims lost it, and the current state of Spain. So the children were now divided into two groups: one group teaching themselves how to code on the PC, while the others were learning everything they could about Spain. And that is how our day ended.

Result: Maybe there is something to unschooling after all. Children seem to learn a lot more in a morning of self-directed learning than in an entire week of structured curriculum. This is where my idea for a self-directed learning center was born. But that is a topic for another time.

If you want to learn more about homeschooling, join our free online course by clicking here.

Homeschooling Experiments link

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Homeschooling

Unedited Thoughts #1: Homework, Homeschool and the concept of teenagers

Unedited Thoughts 1

A New Unedited Style Of Writing

I’ve decided to try out a new style of writing for this blog: unedited thoughts.

I haven’t been able to post on this blog for many months because my writing has been stunted by too many factors: political correctness, worrying about the readers’ feelings, SEO issues, and focusing too much on catchy headlines.

So I’m trying something new.

These past few months, I have found myself writing more consistently when I write to myself. My unedited thoughts flow much better when I don’t worry about sentence structure, grammar, political correctness or offending the liberals and extremists.

Eventually, I decided to start posting these thoughts. Thus giving you a glimpse into my unedited mind.

This is the first in a new series of articles which are simply my raw unedited thoughts on topics I care about. I will post them as a write them, without worrying about whether people will be offended or not. Instead, I hope people will engage with me in discussing these topics and developing new solutions to the problems facing the ummah.

So here are today’s unedited thoughts on three topics: homeschool, homework and teenagers.

The Happy Child


That’s how I’d describe a homeschooled child.

Happy, excited, enthusiastic and loving life!

We really don’t realize how negatively school affects children until we meet a child who hasn’t been through the traditional school system.

Compare these two ten year old boys:

One loves to read, play, explore, and spend time with family. He can engage you on almost any topic: business, politics, history, religion, entertainment. And he speaks with confidence and excitement about a multitude of topics.

The other has only one interest: his videogames. He hates school, find life boring, is always stressed out about exams and homework, and just wants to play videogames. Videogames are the only escape from his stressful life.

The first child is how I would describe most 10 year old homeschooled boys I have met. The second is how I would describe almost any 10 year old schoolboy I have to teach or counsel.  

The first is natural. The second is not.

Stress and Homework

Homework is not what it used to be.

It used to be hard…now it is unbearable.

Homework has become a genuine cause of stress for many parents and children.


More importantly, why do we even have such a concept as homework?

My experience is that humans don’t need that much time to learn something. They do not need 6 hours of school every day for 13 years, along with 3 hours of homework. Nobody does.

A child learns a lot more with 3 hours of discussion, interaction and research a day, than with an entire week of school and homework.

Throw it away. Homework is a useless concept that is ruining childhood.

If society cared about children’s mental health, they would get rid of the concept of homework altogether. It is really unnecessary and serves no real purpose.

Let school hours be learning time, and home hours be recovery time. Children need space and free time to recover, recharge, and absorb what they learned during the day.

Get rid of homework and just let them be.

Stunted Development

The twelve year old homeschooler is considering starting his own business, and already has his goals and career mapped out.

The thirty year old who went to school and university still lives with his parents, playing videogames all day and is still ‘figuring life out’.

What went wrong with our education system?

Many things but I want to highlight just two:

1.      Too many years of schooling

Children do not need 13 years of school. I believe schooling from age 7 until 12 is enough to live a fulfilling life.

I wish I had a way to convince the world about this, and reform the world’s education systems accordingly. 5 or 6 years is enough to teach people everything they need to know about language, maths, life and religion.

After that, education should be self-directed and personal.

High School is one of humanity’s worst inventions.

Don’t believe me?

Spend a day in your local High School and ask yourself what is the point of everything you see around you. This leads me to point two.

2.      Lack of clarity regarding what is an adult

For the first time in human history, we have 30 year old children. Why? Because we have no clue how to define an adult, so some people just never grow up…ever!

In Islam, it is very clear: puberty = adulthood.

This is agreed upon by all schools of thought. Yet I have even had Muslim parents challenge me on this and refuse to accept this, because it isn’t what the dominant culture teaches.

What does the dominant culture teach is an adult?

18? 21? 32?

There really is no logical method to work it out, just arbitrary numbers.

Islam is clear and biologically sound: humans that have a sex drive are adult, humans that haven’t developed one yet are children.

Society must start considering puberty as the differentiator between adults and children again. Or else, we may end up with a generation of 75 year old children. (It’s coming…believe me)

What is a teenager anyway?

Throughout human history, humans post-puberty were considered young adults. They started working, went through rites of passage, got married, and started living their lives.

Then in the past century, we invented a concept called Teenagers. We took a bunch of sexually-charged young adults, threw them together in a prison (High School) for a few years, and decided to just make that a normal part of life.

I really believe one reason why teenagers are so rebellious and angry is because their bodies are saying one thing and society is saying another.

Their bodies are saying: I’m an adult now, treat me as one, and give the rights of one.

Society says: You are not a little kid anymore, but not one of us yet either. You are meant to be a problem, so we’ll just ignore you for a few more years.

Here is one simple tip for raising teens that are less rebellious: treat them as adults.

Treat a teenager as an adult, and he will behave more respectfully, more maturely, and more confidently. He knows what he is and understands the changes to his body better. This will ease his mind and help him find his way in life faster.

Want to learn more about homeschooling, join my free online course by clicking here.
Homeschooling Course

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Homeschooling

What is homeschooling and how do I get started

What Is Homeschooling?

You may be wondering what is homeschooling. Homeschooling is when parents choose to teach their children at home themselves, instead of sending them to school. Homeschooling is a growing global trend as more and more parents are choosing to homeschool their children each year.

In the USA alone, there are over 2.5 million children currently being homeschooled. While in India, an estimated 1 million children are homeschooled.

Is homeschooling legal?

This depends on the country you live in. Research the answer on your local government’s education website. Homeschooling is legal in many countries including USA, Canada, South Africa, UK and Malaysia. However, it is prohibited in some countries which include Greenland, UAE and Turkey.

Check your local department of education website for more details.

Why do parents choose to homeschool?

There are many reasons why parents choose to homeschool. In my book, Homeschooling 101, I explain in details 10 reasons why people are opting for homeschool. Here are some of the reasons why we homeschool:

  1. To avoid toxic school environments
  2. To play a bigger role in the children’s education
  3. Lack of satisfaction with school system
  4. So they can focus on subjects which are more relevant to the 21st century
  5. Religious reasons
  6. So parents can spend more time with their children

How do I start homeschooling?

What Is Homeschooling

Check out our online course

In our comprehensive online course, we teach you step by step how to start homeschooling. There are 15 key steps to begin homeschooling smoothly. At Islamic Self Help, we have put together a free checklist to help you get started.

Sign up below to access our free homeschooling checklist. This checklist lists 15 tasks that you need to do in order to get started. Sign up below to receive the checklist for free:

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Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Homeschooling