Virtues of Surah Fatiha

Virtues of Surah Fatiha

There are many powerful hadiths about Surah Al-Fatiha. I have translated some of them below but haven’t written any explanation for them.

I did this so that you can read them and reflect on them yourself to gain a deeper understanding.

Read and reflect:

Hadith 1 – The Greatest Surah

Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal recorded in the Musnad that Abu Sa`id bin Al-Mu`alla said, “I was praying when the Prophet called me, so I did not answer him until I finished the prayer. I then went to him and he said, ‘What prevented you from coming,’ I said, ‘O Messenger of Allah! I was praying.’

He said, `Didn’t Allah say, O you who believe! Answer Allah and His Messenger when he calls you to that which gives you life?’ He then said, ‘I will teach you the greatest Surah in the Qur’an before you leave the Masjid.’ He held my hand and when he was about to leave the Masjid, I said, `O Messenger of Allah! You said, I will teach you the greatest Surah in the Qur’an.’ He said, ‘Yes. It is Al-Hamdu lillahi Rabbil-`Alamin. (All praise to due to Allah, Lord of the Universe)It is the seven oft-repeated verses and the Glorious Qur’an that I was given.”

Hadith 2 – Nothing Like It

Imam Ahmad[1] recorded that Abu Hurayrah said, “The Messenger of Allah went out while Ubayy bin Ka`b was praying and said, ‘O Ubayy!’ Ubayy did not answer him. The Prophet said, ‘O Ubayy!’ Ubayy prayed faster then went to the Messenger of Allah saying, `Peace be unto you, O Messenger of Allah!’ He said, ‘Peace be unto you. O Ubayy, what prevented you from answering me when I called you?’ He said, `O Messenger of Allah! I was praying.’ He said, ‘Did you not read among what Allah has sent down to me, Answer Allah and His Messenger when he calls you to that which gives you life?’ He said, `Yes, O Messenger of Allah! I will not do it again.’

The Prophet said, ‘Would you like me to teach you a Surah the likes of which nothing has been revealed in the Tawrah, the Injil, the Zabur (Psalms) or the Furqan (the Qur’an)?’ He said, `Yes, O Messenger of Allah!’ The Messenger of Allah said, “I hope that I will not leave through this door until you have learned it.”

He (Ka`b) said, `The Messenger of Allah held my hand while speaking to me. Meanwhile, I was slowing down fearing that he might reach the door before he finished his conversation.

When we came close to the door, I said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, what is the Surah that you have promised to teach me?’ He said, ‘What do you read in the prayer?’ Ubayy said, `So I recited Umm Al-Qur’an to him.’ He said, ‘By Him in Whose Hand is my soul! Allah has never revealed in the Torah, the Gospel, the Psalms or the Furqan (Quran) a Surah like it. It is the seven repeated verses that I was given.”

Hadith 3 – A Conversation With Allah

 Abu Hurayrah narrated that the messenger of Allah said that Allah said, “I have divided the prayer (Al-Fatihah) into two halves between Myself and My servant, and My servant shall have what he asks for.” If he says, “All praise and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of existence.” Allah says, “My servant has praised Me.”

When the servant says, “The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.” Allah says, “My servant has glorified Me.” When he says, “The Master of the Day of Judgment,” Allah says, “My servant has glorified Me,” or “My servant has related all matters to Me.”

When he says, “You alone we worship, and You alone we ask for help.” Allah says, “This is between Me and My servant, and My servant shall have what he asks for,”

When he says, “Guide us to the straight path. The way of those on whom You have granted Your grace, not the way of those who earned Your anger, nor of those who went astray,” Allah says, “This is for My servant, and My servant shall acquire what he asked for.”

Note: All three hadiths are narrated in Tafsir Ibn Kathir. You can find more Hadiths about Surah Al-Fatiha there.

To learn more, grab our 10 eBook bundle which includes our book on Tafsir and many others!

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Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Islam
The Islamic Mentorship Paradigm:  A Case Study of Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn and Nūr ad-Dīn

The Islamic Mentorship Paradigm: A Case Study of Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn and Nūr ad-Dīn

While it is true that both modern and Islamic mentorship are effective in achieving worldly goals, it is important to note that this is not the primary focus of Islamic Mentorship. It is simply a byproduct of it. The focus of Islamic mentorship is on achieving righteousness, eternal salvation, and the life of Barakah.

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Leadership
Crowdfunding my new book

Crowdfunding my new book

The Book

Alhamdulillah, I am three months away from launching my next book ‘Productivity Principles Of ʿUmar II’.

Below is the description of the book:

Imagine ruling a kingdom for only two and a half years, yet accomplishing so much that the world still benefits from your legacy a thousand years later.

That is the legacy of ʿUmar bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz, the 8th Umayyad King, and one of the greatest rulers in the history of the Muslim World. In this revolutionary new book, author Ismail Kamdar explores the principles that made ʿUmar II such a productive and influential ruler.

Take a trip through the first century of Muslim History, to explore the fifteen productivity principles that made ʿUmar II one of the greatest kings in the history of this world. In this book, author Ismail Kamdar discusses the biography of ʿUmar bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz focusing on the principles that made him an effective and productive leader.

The Obstacle

Unfortunately, I have run into a major hurdle along the way, and to be fully transparent, I am sharing it with you here.

In order to complete the production of the book (cover design, editing, typesetting), I need $3000.

The Win/Win Plan

I only need to sell 100 of these to cover the cost of production, and I am confident that this method is the best way to meet production costs while providing my readers with value for their money.

I came up with a Win/Win plan. To raise the money to cover the production of the book, I am selling a new eBook bundle: all 10 of my best eBooks + 7 time management templates for only $30. (or more, you can pay more for the bundle if you want to contribute more to the production of my next book)

The Pitch

So here is my pitch. If you enjoy reading my books and want to help see my next book hit the shelves, please purchase the eBook bundle here:

I trust my readers, as, without your support, I wouldn’t be able to write any books. I hope that you all find this bundle worth your money, and will enjoy and benefit from my next book once it hits the market.

The Alternative

Some readers have been asking how they can contribute to my book production cost without purchasing an ebook.

I don’t ask for direct contributions but if you want to do so, you can send it to my PayPal here:

Thank you all for all your support

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Books
A Thematic Tafsīr of Surah Yūsuf

A Thematic Tafsīr of Surah Yūsuf

Surah Yūsuf is one of the most beautiful and oft-studied Surahs of the Quran. In this short article, I hope to discuss the Surah from a different angle; Thematic Tafsīr.

Thematic Tafsīr is a modern method of Tafsīr in which the author/teacher analyzes a Surah for repeated themes and lessons. It is done by studying the Surah as a whole and cross-analyzing the various verses of the Surah for common themes. In applying this method to Surah Yūsuf, we can deduce four core themes that run throughout this Surah. Before we discuss these four themes, here is a brief summary of the Surah.

A Summary of Surah Yūsuf

Surah Yūsuf is unique in that the entire Surah tells a single story from beginning to end. This is not the usual method of storytelling in the Quran. The reason for this is that the entire story forms a single narrative full of important lessons, the beginning, and the end of the stories are equally needed to derive these lessons.

The Surah narrates the story of Prophet Yūsuf (Joseph). As a child, he has a dream of the sun, moon and eleven stars bowing to him. His brothers grow jealous of him and plot against him. They throw him in a well to get rid of him. He is taken away as a slave and ends up in the home of a minister in Egypt.

There he grows up. As a young man, he faces new trials. The minister’s wife tries to seduce him, but he resists and for this, he is wrongly imprisoned. He spends the next few years in prison, where he meets other prisoners and interprets their dreams. One of these prisoners is eventually released and ends up serving the king of Egypt.

At this point, the king has a dream and the ex-prisoner asks Yūsuf (s) to interpret it. Impressed by Yūsuf ‘s interpretation and piety, the king releases him from prison and makes him a finance minister. A drought causes Yūsuf’s brothers to seek financial assistance from the minister of Egypt which brings them into the court of Yūsuf. There, he confronts them, reveals his true identity, and ultimately forgives them.

Prophet Yūsuf’s family migrates to Egypt accepting Yūsuf as their leader. Thus his dream comes true, and the story ends. In this story, which is told in a lot more details in the Quran, are thousands of lessons. Most of these lessons revolve around one of four core themes.

Good triumphs in the end

The first theme we derive from this Surah is the importance of having hope in a good ending. As long as we are on the straight path, sincerely striving to please Allah, victory will come eventually. For some, it will be in this world, and for others, it will be in the next world, but it will eventually come.

This lesson inspires us with hope, no matter how bleak our situation may be. The Surah was revealed during the Makkan Era when the Prophet (s) did not yet control any lands or have a huge following yet. In many ways, it serves as a prophecy that Prophet Muhammad (s) was eventually going to triumph over the Arabs and attain power in those lands. It came through over a decade later.

The lesson for us all is straightforward; work hard for the sake of Allah and never lose hope. Victory will eventually come to the righteous.

Trials in the lives of the righteous

Saʿd b. Abī Waqqāṣ reported that he said, “O Messenger of Allah, which people are tested most severely?” The Messenger of Allah (s) said, “They are the prophets, then the next best, then the next best. A man is tried according to his religion. If he is firm in his religion, his trials will be more severe. If he is weak in his religion, he is tried according to his strength in religion. The servant will continue to be tried until he is left walking upon the earth without any sin.” (Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2398, Grade: Ṣaḥīḥ)

This narration summarizes the second theme of Surah Yūsuf; the righteous face the most difficult trials in life. Islam teaches us that life is a test. Every single human being is tested to determine their placement in the Afterlife. The intensity of the test depends on the spiritual state of the individual. The stronger a person is in faith, the more difficult their trials will be.

This is why the prophets had the toughest tests, due to their closeness to God. Prophet Yūsuf (s) faced both the trials of hardship (abandonment, slavery, imprisonment) and the trial of temptation (seduction). This teaches us the two manners in which we are constantly tested in life. Each phase of life is a trial through hardship, a trial through temptation, or a mixture of both. We must prepare for both types of trials if we want to earn a high rank in the Afterlife.

True Dreams

The third theme that runs throughout this Surah is the theme of true dreams. In this story, Yūsuf, two prisoners and a king all have dreams that come true. This is evidence that true dreams predicting the future are real and should be taken seriously.

Abū Saʿīd al-Khudrī reported that the Prophet (s) said, “When one of you sees a dream he likes, it is from Allah so let him praise Allah for it and speak about it. When one of you sees something else he dislikes, it is from Satan so let him seek refuge from its evil and not mention it to anyone. It will not harm him.” (Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 6584)

Abū Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah (s) said, “When the end of time approaches, the dream of a believer can hardly be false. The dream of a believer is one of forty-six parts of prophecy and whatever is from prophecy cannot be false.” (Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 6614, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2263)

The above narrations confirm that true dreams will continue until the end of time. In fact, they will increase in frequency towards the end of time. True dreams are a gift from God showing people a glimpse of the future, as glad tidings if the future is good, or as a warning, if the future is an upcoming calamity. The ability to interpret dreams is innate and gifted to a few by God. It cannot be taught formally and relies on intuition and deep piety.

The Danger of the Nafs

The final theme of Surah Yūsuf is the importance of spiritual development. Every human possesses a Nafs (soul/desires) which can incline towards sin. The Nafs goes through various phases, the lowest of which is mentioned in this Surah, al-nafs al-ammāra bi-l-sūʾ (The soul that is inclined towards sin).

Our goal in life is to be aware of the temptations of the soul. We see two examples in this Surah of people who gave in to these temptations; the brothers of Yūsuf who threw him in a well out of jealousy, and the wife of the minister who tried to seduce him. These two examples show two different ways in which the soul can be corrupted; jealousy and lust. We must protect ourselves against both of these sources of corruption.

Purification of the soul is an essential part of Islam. Some Muslim groups ignore this aspect of Islam, due to their obsession with other parts of Islam like theology, legal rulings or political revival. By doing so, they allow corruption to slowly sneak into their souls and ruin it. Purification of the soul is something that no true believer can afford to neglect.

This ends my brief thematic Tafsīr of Surah Yūsuf. To learn more thematic Tafsīr, purchase my book ‘Themes of the Quran’ from one of the links below:

1. PDF Edition
2. Kindle Edition
3. Paperback Edition

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Islam
How I read 50 books in 9 months

How I read 50 books in 9 months

Over the past few years, I have made it my goal to read more books each year than the year before. By increasing the number of quality books I read per year, I increase the amount of knowledge I gain every year. Reading daily is a habit that I encourage everybody to take up. It isn’t just something I preach, it is something I am committed to doing myself.

Having in previous years, read 20-40 books a year, I decided to up my goal this year to 50 books. Alhamdulillah, I am happy to announce that nine months into the year, I have already completed 51 books, and am on my way to completing 7 more.

Now, in reality, this number isn’t really that impressive. Some of my teachers read 100 or more books per year. But these teachers are also retired and have more time on their hands. I have to handle a university job, a freelance career, a writing career, and homeschooling my kids. So I am quite happy with my progress in building this habit.

So the question I have been getting a lot in the past few days is, “How did you manage to read so many books this year?” The answer is rather lengthy so I decided to write this post about. There are six important steps that helped me accomplish this goal.

1. Having an ever-increasing to-read list.

To ensure that I never reach a point in the year where I don’t know what to read next, I am constantly adding books to my to-read list. I utilize Goodreads to keep track of every book I read, am currently reading, and plan to read in the future.

I also use it to keep track of my progress towards my annual reading goals. Whenever I come across a book I might be interested in, I add it to my Goodreads to-read list. That way, I always know what I plan to read next once I am done reading my current set of books.

Recommendation: Get a Goodreads Profile, and start using it to track your progress.

2. Reading more than one book at a time.

I don’t stick to one book at a time. This can sometimes be very tedious, especially if reading for multiple hours a day, and if the book is lengthy. Instead, I focus on two or three books at a time. That way, as soon as my attention is waning from one book, I can switch to another to keep my mind fresh. By reading multiple books at a time, I am able to finish 5-7 books per month easily.

Recommendation: Build a habit of reading two books at a time. This will be even more effective is they are from completely different genres.

3. Reading for two to three hours a day.

I started my habit many years ago with a dedicated half an hour a day for reading. As the years have gone by, I have increased it by half an hour each year. Currently, I read for two or three hours a day, depending on my workload. In this way, I am able to read more books per month by reading for more hours per day.

Recommendation: If you don’t have a habit of reading yet, start with building the habit of reading for thirty minutes every day. Once you are accustomed to it, slowly increase the amount of time you spent reading daily.

4. Alternating between long and short books.

One obstacle that prevents many people from meeting their reading goals is getting stuck in a long book until you lose interest. My way around this is to read multiple books at a time, some short and some long. That way, even if it takes me three months to read a long book, I would have completed 10 other books during that same time using this method.

For example, Principles by Ray Dalio is a very lengthy book on investing and finance, I started reading it in February, and completed it in May. At the same time though, I alternated between reading this for an hour and reading a shorter book for an hour. As a result, I read 12 other books during this same time period.

Recommendation: Don’t get stuck on lengthy books. Read a shorter book alongside it, so that you can meet your goals and not lose motivation.

5. Speed-Reading only when needed.

There are two situations in which I choose to speed-read; when I am reading about a topic I am already very familiar with, and when I am re-reading an old book that I read many years ago. Many books discuss similar topics, to master a topic I tend to read at least 10 books on the topic. I will read the first one or two slowly, but then start speed-reading through sections of the others. In this way, I cover more ground faster without wasting time slowly reading something I already read before.

Sometimes I re-read books I have read many years ago to refresh my memory or get a new perspective on them. Our thoughts, knowledge, and experience develop with time, so it is often helpful to go back and re-read old books with a new perspective to understanding them better.

Recommendation: If you find the content of a book familiar, try speed-reading it. If you know of any books that you read many years ago and didn’t understand, try re-reading them again this year. You will be surprised how much better you understand them now.

6. Incorporating reading into my work tasks.

I primarily earn a living through three things; university teaching and management, freelance writing, and writing my own books. All three require extensive reading and research. As a result, I have the privilege of being able to read on the job and to get paid for it.

Often a client will give me a list of books to read before writing their book/article for them. In these cases, they are literally paying me to read books. Likewise, the university expects me to have the latest information in my field, so reading books on the subjects I teach during work hours is an expected part of the job.

And of course, for my own books, I need to research thoroughly before writing, so I large part of my writing process is extensive reading.

Recommendation: If you really want to spend a large portion of your day reading, choose a job/career which requires you to read and research a lot.


Utilizing these six steps I am able to read dozens of books per year. I accomplish this by having a constantly growing to-read list, reading multiple books at a time, and dedicating hours of my day to reading. I also alternate between big and small books, speed-read when necessary, and do work that requires extensive reading. This is how I met this goal.

I hope this sufficiently answered the question. 🙂

Best books I’ve read this year

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Books