Introvert is not a bad word

This is an introduction to a book I am currently writing about introverts and hope to publish later this year. I will shape the book according to the reactions to this article, so please feel free to comment.

A confusing childhood

“You don’t want to be an introvert when you grow up,” my teacher told me, while driving me home from classes. He was lecturing me on the fact that I was too quiet and did not talk much. It was the first time I heard the word ‘introvert’ and based on the context, it sounded like something really bad.

Growing up as an introvert in a culture that values extroversion was not easy. On one hand, teachers would praise me for paying attention, working hard and having really creative ideas. On the other hand, people assumed I was immature because I didn’t talk much, and would consistently lecture me on being more social.

I grew up very confused and hating the fact that I was naturally a quite thinker who enjoyed alone time. I thought I was strange and abnormal, and wished I could be more like everybody else. This really dampened my self-confidence and forced me to behave in unnatural ways in order to fit in.

But ‘introvert’ is not a bad word

It would only be in my late twenties that I would discover that ‘introvert’ was not a bad word at all. I began to study psychology and learned that one-third of humanity is introverted, including many successful people throughout history. (Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Nelson Mandela, Ghandi to name a few.)

This completely changed my perspective. I discovered that the word ‘introvert’ didn’t refer to anything bad. It simply defined one thing: how do you recharge and energize yourself.

You see, people are of three types. One third of people are extroverts i.e. they gain energy from being around people, and get drained when they are alone. One third of people are introverts i.e. they gain energy from alone time and get drained in social settings. And in between are the ambiverts, who thrive in both settings.

That’s all it is. A word that defines what energizes you. So why does society treat introversion as a bad thing? It simply a matter of people not understanding that humans have different natures, and that they can’t force everybody to be the same.

Embracing one’s introversion

Once I discovered that being an introvert is not a bad thing, my confidence grew. I understood myself better, and I began to live a happier life.

One book that really made a difference in helping me understand this topic is ‘Quiet: The Power Of Introverts in a world that can’t stop talking‘ by Susan Cain. If you are struggling in understanding this topic, I highly recommend buying and reading this amazing book.

Over the next few years, I learned that the reason I often feel so drained is because I need alone time to recharge, and that I thrive best in situations that involve few people or being alone. I learned to embrace this and shape my careers accordingly.

This has led to me excelling as an author (which requires me being alone for many hours) and finding balance in my social life (by taking some alone time whenever I feel drained). Which led to me living a happier healthier life.

These days I enjoy my mornings alone with a cup of coffee typing away on my PC. I excel at various jobs and businesses that allow me to work from home on my own.

While at the same time, I meet up with a friend or two for coffee once a week to enjoy some quality conversation. (Hint: Introverts don’t hate socializing, they prefer smaller crowds and deeper conversations.)

All in all, studying this aspect of psychology has helped me tremendously, but also led to some regrets.

What I Regret

I often look back and wish I had learned all this earlier. I wish when I was a child someone had told me there is nothing wrong with being a quiet person. I wish people showed me how introverts like Ghandi, Mandela, and many others excelled in life because they were introverts.

This is why I decided I need to help younger people have a better experience than me. If I knew all of these things when I was younger, I would been happier, found my calling earlier, and would have been able to excel at a younger age.

For this reason, I want to make this the topic of my next book. I want to help a younger generation of Muslim introverts find balance in their lives. To help them deal with the unique challenges that introverted Muslims face, and to help them embrace the unique advantages that Muslim introverts have.

Challenges of being a Muslim introvert

I’ll summarize this in list form for now, and explain it in more details in the book in shaa Allah, as well as suggest ways to overcome these obstacles:

  1. Social anxiety getting in the way of Dawah
  2. Difficulty enjoying congregational activities
  3. Cultural expectations from elders that make one feel bad about oneself
  4. Being overly sensitive to what others say about us

Unique advantages of being a Muslim introvert

Same as above, I’ll summarize this in list form for now, and explain it in more details in the book in shaa Allah:

  1. Acts of worship done alone are easier to concentrate on (like Zikr, Qiyam Al-Layl, and reciting Quran)
  2. Tend to excel at writing and creativity
  3. Tend to read more, so usually consume more books
  4. Very easy to avoid social sins because we hate parties and clubs by nature
  5. Easier to avoid gossip, backbiting, etc. because we talk less

Your turn to talk

This short article was just an introduction so that I can get my idea out there and observe the feedback. Based on that feedback, I will shape the content of my upcoming book.

So please let me know your thoughts on this topic. Is it one worth pursuing in details? Do you think I am focusing on something not important at all? Would you read a book on this topic and find it beneficial? Let me know in the comments below.

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Inner Peace

Disconnect: How to be happier


We need to disconnect

He sits all day on social media, agitated, aggravated, depressed. He needs to disconnect.

She scrolls through Facebook for hours, and begins to feel jealousy and malcontent deep inside. She needs to disconnect.

The family gathers around the table for a meal. Each with their head buried in their phones. Eating in silence, unaware of each other’s existence. They need to disconnect.

Society has a problem

We consume too much information. We share too much information. And we entertain our brains to death. Society has a problem of too much, and so we need to disconnect.

I do not mean to throw away your phone, or deactivated your Facebook account. I do not mean to give up the internet and live in a cave in the mountains. All that I simply mean we need time every day to disconnect.

Your brain, heart and soul need some space

Your brain is overcrowded from reading information all day across various social media platforms. It needs time to digest, analyze and process what it has read. It needs time to disconnect.

Your heart is overflowing with emotions from all the distressing and enraging news you read all day long. It needs time to process, heal and settle. It needs time to disconnect.

Your soul is agitated by the lack of remembrance of God, the lack of reflection on your deeds, and the overconsumption of entertainment. It needs time to disconnect.

Make the time

Take time every day for thinking and reflection. Disconnect your phone, your social media and your email. Be alone with your thoughts and learn to face them.

Yes, some of those thoughts may scare you. Some of those thoughts may make you worry about yourself. But you need to disconnect, be alone, face them and work through them. Your soul needs this, so make it a priority.

All about balance

Social media has its place in our lives. We can use it to stay in touch with family across the globe, reconnect with old friends, and spread great ideas.

But as with anything else, we need balance. We need time with those physically around us, time alone with our thoughts, and we need time to remember God.

Sometimes we need to disconnect from social media in order to connect with those around us. So take the time to disconnect.

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Inner Peace

Reflections: 5 Years of Homeschooling

Reflections: 5 Years of Homeschooling

In 2013, I made a very difficulty decision: I decided that in 2014 I will begin homeschooling my children. It was a difficult and frightening decision because it was something new, something different, and one of those things you can’t see the result of until years later. 5 years of homeschooling later…I believe it was one of the best decisions of my life.

My children are growing beautifully. They have excellent character, a love of learning, and loving personalities. The results of homeschooling so far have been even better than I imagined.

As my eldest children begin their sixth year of homeschooling, I am reflecting on many of the lessons I learned over the past five years. Here are five of the most important ones.

1. Homeschooling is hard work

I work multiple jobs and run multiple online businesses. But nothing I do is harder than homeschooling my children. It is time consuming, requires a lot of thinking, planning, research and buckets of patience.

Yet it is at the same time the most fulfilling aspect of my life. I truly believe that anything worth doing is hard work. And homeschooling is no exception. It is hard work but the fruits of it are worth it. It is a long term investment a great future for our children, what could be a better usage of time than that?

If you plan to homeschool your children, do not expect it to be easy. It can be extremely challenging and time consuming but it is definitely worth it.

2. School is obsolete and we need an alternative soon

There is no doubt in my mind that the current school system is obsolete and outdated. It was built for the 20th century and is no longer relevant in the information age. With children now having access to online courses, Google, Wikipedia and YouTube within seconds, there is no real point in memorizing facts about history and geography.

The system needs a major overhaul, or even better a new system altogether to replace it. I spend a lot of my time thinking of solutions to this problem that can be applied at a global level. Homeschooling isn’t one of these solutions, and I will explain why in the next point.

3. Homeschooling is not the mass solution

Homeschooling is not the alternative to school that can be applied across the globe for one main reason: it depends on the parents being committed and effective educators. And not every home in the world has such parents.

Homeschooling only works when parents are able to give the time, energy and commitment to make it work. It is entirely dependent on the attitude and aptitude of the parents. Therefore, it may work exceptionally well for a few, but can fail terribly for others.

What we need is something that can be applied across the globe, and is not depended on parents. I spend many hours every day reflecting on this and working on ideas. My hope is one day to invent a new education for the 21st century to replace school.

4. Children are capable for far more than society thinks

Children are extraordinary in their capabilities, but school, society and social norms hold them back too much. This is one thing I love about interacting with other homeschooling families, or adults who were homeschooled as children. They are far more in tune with their capabilities and less restricted by cultural norms.

Why shouldn’t a 10 year old start his own business?

Why shouldn’t an 8 year old write and publish her first book?

Why can’t a 13 year old invent a device that benefits humanity?

Our children are capable of so much, so do not hold them back from realizing their God-given potential.

5. A family that studies together sticks together

One of my favorite things about homeschooling is the amount of quality time spent with my family. The result is extremely close bonds with every member of the family.

Being able to develop a close relationship with each of your children is priceless. It is something every family must focus on, regardless of whether you homeschool or not.

Even if you don’t homeschool, make time at least one a week for the family to study together. Whether it is a group discussion, a family field trip, reading time or watching beneficial YouTube videos together. Whatever works for you, just make time to connect with your children on an intellectual level. The bonds this creates are priceless.

If you want to learn more about homeschooling, sign up for our free homeschooling course by clicking here.

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Homeschooling

Never Lose Hope in Allah’s Mercy

The Verse Of Hope

Note: This article is an extract from our latest publication: The Book Of Hope For Sinners.

O My slaves who have transgressed against their own souls!  Do not despair of the Mercy of Allah: Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Truly He is Most-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (The Noble Qur’an, 39:53)

This is one of the most important verses of the Qur’an related to sin: the Verse of Hope. In this verse, Allah reminds all His sinful slaves that no matter what sins they have fallen into, Allah can still forgive them.

The Qur’an was sent as a book of hope for humanity. Allah created each of us as weak sinners. He knows every human will make mistakes. Some will make bigger mistakes than others.

Some may even fall into major sins. But Allah does not want any of us to ever lose hope in His Mercy, no matter what sins we have committed.

Paradise awaits

My friend, understand that Allah created both Paradise and Hell for sinners. The only difference is that Paradise is for those sinners whom Allah has forgiven.

He may forgive them because of their repentance, a good deed they did, or the intercession of Prophet Muhammad (salallahu alahi wasalam). It is also possible that Allah may just forgive them out of His Divine and Infinite Mercy.

Hell is for those sinners whom Allah decrees punishment or purification. Just as gold is heated to separate the dirt from the pure gold, Allah may decide to send some believers into Hell to purify them from the filth of their sins before eventually entering them into Paradise.

Ultimately, all sinners who believed in Allah and worshipped Him alone (or repented from worshipping others) will enter Paradise. So, Paradise will be full of those who had been sinners in this life. This should make you hopeful that you, too, can make it to Paradise.

The Purpose Of Good Deeds

You may wonder what the point of good deeds and repentance is if even the biggest sinners eventually make it to Paradise. This is a good question.

Good deeds and repentance may prevent punishment altogether. They can lead to entrance into Paradise without any punishment in the grave or Hereafter. Avoiding punishment alone makes good deeds and repentance valuable and worth pursuing, but there are even greater reasons for doing good deeds, and I will discuss those at the end of this book.

A Short Tafseer

But now, let’s examine this beautiful verse and be inspired towards hope and repentance.

O My slaves

Allah begins by addressing us sinners with the personal pronoun ‘my’ indicating that we belong to Him and that He still loves and cares for His sinful slaves despite their wrongdoings.

Who have transgressed against their own souls

Sin harms our own souls in both worlds. In this world, sin causes inner turmoil and guilt. After death, it is the reason for severe punishment. This is why Allah describes sin as a transgression against our own souls.

Do not despair of the Mercy of Allah

The devil wants us to despair of Allah’s Mercy as this will cause us to plunge deeper into sin and eventually disbelief.

Remember that the devil’s goal isn’t to cause you to sin. His goal is to cause you to leave Islam. Encouraging sinful habits is a means towards achieving that goal. 

Allah never wants us to despair, because hope is the path that keeps bringing us back to Allah.

Indeed, Allah forgives all sins

Any sin can be forgiven with repentance, including the greatest sin – shirk, worshipping other than Allah.

When an idol worshipper converts to Islam, his conversion is accepted as his repentance and becomes a means of him being forgiven for any previous acts of shirk.

If Allah can forgive the greatest sin, He can forgive your sins too.

Truly He is Most-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

From the beauty of the Qur’an is that Allah ends verses by mentioning His names that are relevant to the topic of that verse. As this verse is about hope and forgiveness, Allah reminds us that He is Most Merciful, Most Forgiving. (I discuss these names and their implications in more detail in the book.)

Reflecting on this beautiful verse, we learn that the devil wants us to lose hope, but Allah wants us to repent and hope for His Mercy. He is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful and He forgives any sin when you sincerely repent. So, never hesitate to raise your hands in repentance and experience Allah’s Mercy.

A Transformative Book

This article is an extract from The Book Of Hope For Sinners. If you want to read more on this topic, you can purchase the full eBook by clicking here.

Book Of Hope
Click the image to purchase the eBook.

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Books, Inner Peace

The Book of Hope for Sinners

Book Of Hope

The Book of Hope for Sinners

Islamic Self Help is excited to announce the latest book from Shaykh Ismail Kamdar: ‘The Book of Hope for Sinners’. 

The Book Of Hope For Sinners is a compilation of Quranic verses and Hadiths (with commentary) focused on inspiring hope and transformation for those who have fallen into sin.

Book Description

Every human sins, but Islam shows us a way back regardless of how severe or many our sins are.

Every human sins, and God accepts the repentance for all sins. This beautiful book was written to inspire every sinner to hope in God’s Mercy, seek His Forgiveness, and work towards spiritual transformation. 

In this book you will find various verses of the Quran and narrations from Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) aimed at inspiring the soul to have hope in God’s Mercy and Repent. 

Islam is the religion of hope and mercy, and this book was written to help sinners experience that hope and mercy once again.

About The Author

Shaykh Ismail Kamdar is a graduate of a traditional Alim program and also holds a Bachelors in Islamic Studies. He has studied Islam in both tradition and modern settings and has been a student of Islamic Studies for almost two decades.

He began studying Islam full-time at the age of thirteen, began preaching at the age of sixteen, and wrote his first book at the age of twenty-three. Over the years, he has taught multiple courses and seminars around the world, and has worked with multiple leading Islamic organizations across the globe.

He currently works from home freelancing for various organizations and companies, while homeschooling his children and writing books. He hopes to inspire the ummah to return to their former glory and become a role model for the world once again.

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Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Books