What does work really mean to you?

What does work really mean to you?

What does work really mean to you?

What does work really mean to the teacher?

Case A: She showed up to work today. Man, did she hate these kids. She just wanted to get through another day of teaching. So she counted the days until the next big holiday. In fact, she couldn’t even remember what she taught today. She was there for the paycheck, that was all that mattered. The question “What does work really mean to me?” never crossed her mind.

What does teaching really mean to her: its just a job.

Case B: She couldn’t wait to get to school today. She was living her dream. Educating children, inspiring them, changing their lives! Did you know she spent the entire holiday planning her lessons, and innovating new teaching techniques? She was ready, she was excited. She came, she taught, she inspired!

What does teaching really mean to her: inspiring and motivating the next generation to be better.

What does work really mean to the doctor?

Case A: He sighed. Another day of blood and sickness. He hated his job. His parents wanted him to become a doctor, so he became one but didn’t enjoy a single minute of it. He showed up, did what he needed to do, and went home. He didn’t take extra shifts, attend conferences, or make house calls.

What does being a doctor mean to him: Its just a job.

Case B: He woke up energized, with a clear purpose. Today he was going to save as many lives as possible. He was going to do everything he could to help as many people as possible. Every single day he woke up with this same purpose, and every single day he made a difference.

What does being a doctor mean to him: saving lives.

What does work really mean to the salesperson?

Case A: He shows up at your door, suitcase in hand. The one who makes false promises. He guarantees things which he has no right to guarantee. You know why he is there: he wants to make some money selling you a useless gadget. So you turn him away, as did ten other people. He doesn’t understand why.

What does being a salesperson mean to him: Its just a job.

Case B: He gives you a call. The product he is offering you is exactly what you need to solve your problems. The benefits clearly outweigh the cost. You buy it immediately and never regret the decision. So did ten other people today.

What does being a salesperson mean to him: Introducing people to products that solve their problems.

What does work really mean to the entrepreneur?

Case A: He starts a website. And produces a cheap-quality product to sell on it. He pours money into marketing. But nobody buys. The few who do regret it. The website shuts down. He starts another and repeats. Waiting for the idea that makes him rich overnight…it never comes.

What does being an entrepreneur mean to him: get-rich-quick schemes.

Case B: She has a great idea for an app that will solve a problem for thousands of people. She invests money in developing the app. When the app is launched, it is an immediate success. She uses the profit to invent a gadget that solves another group’s problems. It is another hit. She continues to repeat this process over and over again. Some hit, some fail, but all benefit those who buy them.

What does being an entrepreneur mean to her: creating solutions for people’s problems.

So what does work really mean to you?

The answer to this question makes all the difference in the world. Do you work solely for money, or for a greater purpose. Your answer to this question will decide whether you will be amazing or just exist.

Written by Shaykh Ismail Kamdar, Founder of Islamic Self Help and author of multiple eBooks and online courses.

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Business

Two Years of Islamic Self Help – Reflections and Giveaway

Celebrating Two Years of Islamic Self Help

Two years ago, in April 2015 Shaykh Ismail Kamdar founded Islamic Self Help. Dedicated to providing Muslims with Islamized Personal development resources. Islamic Self Help has grown faster than we ever imagined.

The Stats

The stats speak for themselves. In two years, Islamic Self Help has:

  1. Published 10 eBooks, which has led to
  2. Over 8500 eBook downloads
  3. Published 5 online courses, leading to
  4. Over 1200 registered online students
  5. 6700+ email subscribers
  6. Published 116 blog posts.

Alhamdulillah, Islamic Self Help is constantly growing. With Allah’s Help, we will continue to grow by providing you with even more amazing content in the years to come.


We are going to keep this short by listing our reflections in point form. So you can get straight into the competition.

A few reflections on this two year anniversary:

  1. If you have a good idea, get started with it. 
  2. Start small and scale upwards. Focus on providing value, not perfection.
  3. Most people told us starting such a website was a bad idea. Listen to the experts in your field, not ‘most people’.
  4. Too many people have unaccomplished dreams because they kept finding excuses to delay. Let go of your excuses and get started today.
  5. Everything big started small. You have to start somewhere, so get started with whatever you have.

The Competition

When we started Islamic Self Help, we launched it with two major eBook releases: Getting The Barakah and Best Of Creation. To celebrate our 2nd anniversary, we are giving away 100 free copies of Best Of Creation: An Islamic Guide To Self Confidence.

The competition is very easy to enter:

  1. Simply subscribe to our mailing list
  2. Email subscribers will be automatically added to the competition

That is all!

We will get back to you by 18th April 2017 to let you know if you are a winner!

Enter our competition by submitting your details below

* indicates required

N.B. All entries will additionally gain immediate free access to our eBook ’10 Self Help Tips from 10 Authentic Hadiths’.
Two Years of Islamic Self Help

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Books

Beyond success: the one thing that successful people do differently

Beyond success: the one thing that successful people do differently

The internet is littered with dozens of articles about how to be a successful person. These articles range from serious well-written advice to fancy fluffy nonsense. Today, let us separate the gold from the dirt. If you read all the well-researched, well-written articles on successful people, you will find they all have one common message.

You see, there is one thing that all successful people do differently from unsuccessful people. And it isn’t easy. It isn’t something you would like to do.

What is success any way?

Before I tell you what that one thing is, we need to define success. When you saw the title: successful people, what image popped into your mind?

successful people

Is this your image of success?

Was it an image of a wealthy tycoon driving a fancy sports car?

Perhaps it was the image of a billionaire who donates millions in charity?

Or was it just someone who did work they enjoy and worked their own times?

It could have been someone with a happy family and a content life?

I hope it was a practicing Muslim who has earned Allah’s pleasure?

You see, success is a subjective word. So in order for this article to make sense, we need to settle on a definition of success. That definition doesn’t have to apply to life as a whole, just the theme of this article. This article is about being successful in your field of choice/career path.

Some do and some don’t

In every field, there are successes and there are failures.

There are authors who never sell more than hundred books. And there are authors who are multi-time best sellers.

Likewise, There are doctors who lose their certification due to malpractice. And there are doctors who become world renowned for being the best in the world.

Thousands of businesses shut down every year. Yet there are thousands of successful businesses as well.

You will meet teachers who you would never entrust your children to, and you will find amazing teachers who inspire children to be their best.

In every field, some fail, some succeed, and most fall somewhere in between, in the land of mediocrity.

So what separates the successful people from the rest?

They do what everybody else doesn’t want to do. They do the hard work. The scary work. The irritating work. They are the ones who see something they don’t want to do, but do it anyway because they know it will take them one step higher on the ladder of success.

You see, success only isn’t about doing what you love. There are many people who only do what they love and never experience success. (especially if they love to waste time or binge watch TV series)

Success is more than that. Success is about going beyond expectations, and doing what everybody else puts off doing.

The successful author is the one who spends the nights writing thousands of words that nobody will ever read, just to improve her writing skills.

That successful doctor is the one who never misses a conference and is always up to date with the latest research, even if it means sacrifice some personal time to do some reading.

The successful businessman is the one who invests a lot of money into training, courses, mentoring and books. So he learns what other businessmen do not, applies it and in doing so, surpasses the others.

And the successful teacher is the one who spends nights, weekends and holidays researching, preparing and learning how to be a better teacher. So she surprises her students with the latest teaching techniques. Inspires them with her positive attitude. And leads them to excel by leading by example.

Simply put…

Whatever field you have chosen, there is only one way up the ladder. Find what nobody else wants to do, but is necessary for growth, and be the one who does it.

Whether it is waking up earlier, investing in resources, researching an intricate topic, studying something new, or being better at customer service. Find the hard stuff and do it.

Do this one thing, and you too can succeed in any field.

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Business

5 Beautiful Hadiths to lift your spirits

Beautiful hadiths

5 Beautiful Hadiths to lift your spirits

The following beautiful Hadiths are extracted from Kitaab Ar-Riqaaq (The Chapter of Heart Softeners) of Saheeh Al-Bukhari. They are all authentic Hadiths intended to boost our faith and assist us in purifying our souls.

Read these beautiful hadiths. Feel them. Apply them.

About patience with calamity

Abu Huraira (RA) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “Allah says, ‘I have nothing to give but Paradise as a reward to my believing servant, who, when I caused his friend (or relative) in the world to die, remained patient (and hopes for Allah’s Reward).” (Saheeh Bukhari Vol. 8, Book 76, Hadith 432)

This Hadith provides hope for anybody who has lost a loved one in this world. Patience with such a tragedy leads to Paradise in the next world. Stay strong!

About contentment

Abdullah Ibn Abbas (RA) narrated:I heard the Prophet (ﷺ) saying, “If the son of Adam had two valleys of money, he would wish for a third. For nothing can fill the belly of Adam’s son except dust. And Allah forgives him who repents to Him.” (Saheeh Bukhari Vol. 8, Book 76, Hadith 444)

Greed for this world cannot be satisfied. The only way out is to develop a sense of contentment, and to be please with what Allah has given us. This is the only way to live a happy life. Contentment does not mean being lazy. It means working hard, and then being satisfied with whatever Allah provides you with at the end of the day.

Abu Huraira (RA) narrated that the Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Wealth does not mean having a great amount of property. Rather true wealth is contentment.” (Saheeh Bukhari Vol. 8, Book 76, Hadith 453)

This hadith re-emphasizes the lesson from the previous Hadith. Contentment is the key to happiness. Avoid materialism and focus on building your relationship with Allah to find inner peace.

About consistency

Masruq (RA) said, “I asked Aisha (RA) “What deed was the most beloved to the Prophet (ﷺ)?” She replied, “The one done consistently.” (Saheeh Bukhari Vol. 8, Book 76, Hadith 468)

Big once off good deeds are good. But establishing consistent habits of smaller good deeds is better. Focus on doing a good deed consistently, until it becomes a habit. Such deeds are more rewarding in the long run than once off bigger deeds.

About loving Allah

Abu Musa (RA) narrated that the Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Whoever loves to meet Allah, Allah too loves to meet him. And whoever hates to meet Allah, Allah too hates to meet him.” (Saheeh Bukhari Vol. 8, Book 76, Hadith 515)

Loving Allah is everything to the believer. This is the ultimate test of the level of our faith. If you had to die today, would you be happy to meet Allah or terrified of being accountable for the life you led? This is a very important Hadith to reflect on.

We must work on building our faith to a level at which we are happy to leave this world for the next. May Allah grnat us all righteous endings, and a happy meeting with our Lord.

“Oh Soul that is at peace, return to your Lord happy and pleasing to Him.” (Surah Al-Fajr 89:27-28)

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Inner Peace