
How to deal with losing a source of income

How to deal with losing a source of income

It can happen to anybody. One day you are earning well, the next day you are deep in debt and out of a job. Life is a test, and we all go through different stages in the tests of life. One test that almost everybody faces at some point in their life (or multiple) is losing a major source of income. Whether it is a job, a business or an investment, losing a large source of your monthly revenue can be a depressing and stressful event. In such cases, do the following:

1. Trust Your Creator

In Islam, we have a concept called Tawakul (trusting God) which simply means that we believe Allah’s plan is best for us and we live our lives with full trust in that plan. This means when things don’t go our way it is usually for the best and there is some benefit in that for us, even if we can’t understand it immediately. This belief helps a Muslim get through any difficulty with optimism and hope.

I have experienced this at multiple points in my life. In 2008, I lost my job as a school teacher. As a result of that, I got a much better job at the Islamic Online University which I still work today. In 2014, I got conned by a scammy book dealer, as a result, I learned to self-publish my books and am earning a decent profit from ongoing book sales. And then this year, in 2019 I lost a major contract that was making up 50% of my income. As a result, I had to dig deeper and invent a new source of income for myself. So I became a freelance writer and was able to make up that income through freelance projects. In fact, I am enjoying those freelance projects a lot more than the job I lost.

The point is that Allah’s plan is best. If I hadn’t lost in the above three cases, I wouldn’t have gained much better sources of income in return. The losses were necessary to push me in the right direction. The same applies to you. So trust Allah’s plan, He knows best.

2. Never put your eggs in one basket

One of the reasons I was able to overcome major financial hurdles in my life is because I don’t keep my eggs in one basket. This means I don’t restrict myself to one source of income. If you have only one source of income and it goes downhill or gets taken away, you are left in a very difficult situation. This is what happened to me in 2008 and since I have been very careful to ensure I always have multiple streams of income. You should too.

If you are working a job, set up side streams of income like online businesses, a second after-hours jobs, investment accounts or freelance work in the evenings. Do whatever is necessary to protect yourself and your family from financial loss. Yes, it isn’t possible to never experience financial problems if that is what Allah has destined for you, but having side streams of income helps to cushion the fall. So prepare for the difficulties by working on as many side streams of income as possible.

3. Dig deeper and find something better

The majority of people I meet are grateful for the hardships they faced in life. This is because these hardships shaped their personalities and pushed them in the direction that led to their eventual success. A difficult situation is simply an opportunity to dig deeper and find something better for yourself. It is a chance to reinvent yourself, find your true calling and emerge a better person. Take every obstacle as a challenge to do better and to be better. Do this and you will always find yourself rising after every challenge.

One of the things I love to teach people is how to build their confidence to overcome challenges and achieve their dreams. This is why I have put together a revolutionary course on building your self-confidence the Islamic way. You can access the course today at a 50% discount by using this link. Grab it today and you will also receive FREE access to my course on public speaking. Sign up here if you are ready to start building the confidence to achieve your dreams.


Every single one of us will face difficulties at different points in our life. Allah had promised to test us with restricting our finances, so when we should be spiritually, financially and mentally prepared to handle such tests. By having firm Tawakul in Allah, building multiple streams of income and using every difficulty as an opportunity to be better, we can come out of every financial difficulty on a higher level.

If you benefited from this article, join our self-confidence course to learn over two dozen more ways to improve the confidence. Sign up today and you will get a 50% discount + Free Access to my public speaking course.

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Business
A warning about Fake Experts

A warning about Fake Experts

What is an expert?

“An expert is an ordinary man away from home giving advice”
Oscar Wilde

The above statement was made in relation to fake experts, people who claim to be experts but if you were to actual inspect their home lives, you will find that they have no clue what they are talking about.

Why am I bringing up this topic? because there seems to be an influx of fake experts in the Muslim community and some don’t even realize what they are doing.

So what really is a fake expert?

A fake expert is someone who reads/listens to/watches something and then feels like he/she is an authority on the topic and qualified to teach it to others.

We see this happening with young people who read a book on Aqeedah then go around pretentiously acting like they are the experts on Aqeedah. Likewise with Fiqh and other Islamic sciences, the Shaykh Googles and Mufti Wikipedias of our generation are many.

Then you have the folk who claim they can teach you how to become millionaires or billionaires, while failing financially themselves. Instead of teaching based on experience, they are teaching based on something someone else experienced.

What’s the big deal with doing this?

There are several problems with claiming to be an expert in a field in which you are not, the primary of which is that it is deception and lying, both of which are prohibited and make doubtful the individual’s income earned from such claims.

Then there is the harm it causes to others. By teaching something you have no experience using, you can’t really know for sure that it will work, and often it doesn’t. Leading to the other person feeling betrayed by your claims of expertise.

On a business level, such claims hurt your personal brand in the long run because clients will eventual catch up that you don’t know what you are talking about, and will abandon you in droves. In short, its a Lose/Lose situation for all, yourself included.

How to recognize a fake expert?

I will give you one simple step for recognizing a fake expert: Find out the qualifications and experience of the individual you are taking knowledge from.

When it comes to Islamic knowledge, you want to make sure you are only taking knowledge from authentic and qualified scholars. Likewise, with worldly knowledge don’t just listen to anybody who claims to be an expert.

There is a huge difference between a best-selling author teaching you how to become a best-selling author, and a struggling author teaching you how to become a best-selling author. The former is far more likely to have something positive and beneficial to teach you.

The same applies to anybody, whether claim to be experts in finance, business, marketing, time management, or confidence-building. Check if they practice what they preach, if they are benefiting from it or not, and this alone will help save you from falling for con-artists and fakes.

Why I am very picky about what I write about?

I am very picky about what I write about. I get many requests to write books on a variety of topics, and I only choose those which I feel confident enough to write about based on my own experiences.

For example, I am often asked to write about parenting and I usually reply that I will write about parenting in ten years time when my kids have grown up and I have seen if how I raised my kids worked or not. Until then, it is too early for me to write about parenting as I am still a young parent making mistakes and growing.

Likewise, when I am asked to write Fiqh books, I shy away from it as I feel I still need years of study and research before I can consider myself an expert in that field, despite my qualifications in Islamic Studies.

However, I have written about Time Management because it is something I have been practicing and implementing for years, and so my writings are based on my experiences, not theory and readings.

Likewise, I wrote about Self-Confidence because I used to lack confidence and learned many tools to help myself grow into a more confident individual, and I wanted to share those tools, experiences and insights with those who are in the same situation I was in.

Finally, I had no intention to write about Homeschooling for many years because I do not consider myself an expert in homeschooling yet. Rather, I am still in the early years of being a homeschooling dad and still gaining experience.

However, I decided to write about the first year of homeschooling because it is something I successfully experienced last year, so I could write about it based on my experienced and not just theory.

The point I’m trying to make is that we should only write/speak/teach based on experience and applied knowledge, and should not claim expertise is things that we are still struggling with and learning ourselves. We should be humble enough to know our limits, yet confident enough to know our true areas of expertise.

This is why whenever I want to learn something new, I always look at the most successful people in that field, and learn from the, because it is through such people that you will gain the most beneficial knowledge in that field.

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Books, Business

The Virtue of Earning Your Own Income

earning income

Hadith on virtues of earning

Regarding earning, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
“By Him in Whose Hand my life is, it is better for anyone of you to take a rope and cut the wood (from the forest) and carry it over his back and sell it (as a means of earning his living) rather than to ask a person for something and that person may give him or not.”(Saheeh Bukhari)

There are many ways to earn money in this world. Some are Halal and some are Haram. As Muslims, it is a given that we should avoid the prohibited means of earning wealth, and stick to that which is permissible.

Yet even within the permitted means of increasing wealth, some forms are greater than others. While it may be true that you can increase your halal wealth through inheriting, receiving gifts, asking for funding and relying on someone else for support, this Hadith emphasizes that the purest and best way to increase wealth is to earn it yourself through hard work.

This Hadith is usually quoted to support the prohibition of begging but it has other dimensions as well. The concept of earning one’s own wealth is connected to self-confidence, integrity and independence. Some people sit around dreaming of a day when they will inherit a lot of money or someone will give them what they desire as a gift.

A noble person will work hard to earn that wealth, and purchase what he desires. He will not wait around hoping for someone else to fulfil his needs or the needs of his family. This is really what Self-Help is all about. If you want something, do not sit around waiting for help. Work hard and help yourself to get it.

The end result of this is that you will feel stronger, more confident, nobler, and more fulfilled, as you worked hard and earned whatever it was that you desired.

This is an extract from my free e-book “10 Self-Help Tips from 10 Authentic Hadiths“. Subscribe to Islamic Self Help to get your copy. 

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Business