
Studying Islam: Going Beyond Requirements

Studying Islam: Going Beyond Requirements

I have been studying Islam since the age of thirteen across a variety of institutes. During this time, I have observed the study habits of different students. I have also observed the impact these habits have on that student’s life.

In doing so, I noticed a very important trend: The students who became the leading scholars of their communities are…Those students who not only excel at the prescribed work but went beyond that and dedicated extra time to studying Islam.

Curriculum and Limitations

Studying Islam deeper with Themes of the Quran

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Every Islamic institute has a set curriculum. The curriculum serves multiple benefits. These include giving students a structured approach to learning. As well as taking them from elementary knowledge progressing upward towards more complicated books. And finally providing a framework of reference to evaluate learning.

However, many people misunderstand the purpose of a curriculum. They look at it as all they need to study. As a result, they never study anything outside the curriculum. The problem with this approach is that it leads to a limited understanding of the subjects. The danger is compounded when the student thinks he is knowledgeable in the field.

Students of knowledge must realize that their prescribed curriculum is not a comprehensive study of everything there is to know of each topic. Rather the curriculum usually includes introductory level books to familiarize the student with each science and field.

The people setting the curriculum do so with the understanding that the chosen book will give the student the necessary tools to explore advanced books in the field on their own or with other teachers. It was never meant to be a limit on their knowledge intake.

Types of Students:

The few students who realize this are the ones who truly excel and become the leaders in their field. Imagine for example, if a university is offering an introductory level course on Fiqh Maxims.

In such a course, it is common to find three types of students:

1) The lazy student who just passes the exams by memorizing the minimum that is necessary to pass. Such a student is most likely to forget that knowledge afterwards. And will not be able to apply it outside the examples mentioned in the textbook.

2) The dedicated student who limits himself to the textbook. This student will likely do well in the exam. Maybe even be able to benefit from the knowledge and utilize it outside the classroom. However, such a student may not be aware of the detailed application of the principles, the differences of opinion and the intricate details because he limited himself to an introductory textbook.

3) The student who is dedicated to master the topic. This student will not only learn what is in the textbook but will go beyond that. He will ask the teacher for recommended resources on the topic, ask questions about differences of opinion and intricate issues, study each topic from multiple angles and viewpoints, and emerge from the course with a stronger understanding of the topic.

This is the kind of student who is most likely to become a Mujtahid and utilize his knowledge to solve contemporary Fiqh issues and lead his society in reformation.

Why it matters

While studying on this level is not obligatory, it is definitely beneficial and something that the ummah is in dire need off today.

We live in a time when the majority of Muslims are confused and do not have scholars who are qualified to solve their problems. The current generation of students need to make it their objective to grow into such scholars.

We need to dedicate our lives to going beyond what is expected of us and to go deeper into every field we study. Our objective being to benefit the ummah through that knowledge.

How to go deeper

There are many ways to go deeper into a field while studying the textbook with your teacher. The following are some of the most practical methods:

1) Study longer hours than the average student. There is big difference between someone who studies two hours a day and someone who studies five hours a day. The latter is likely to end up with more than double the knowledge of the former in the same time-frame. Make it a habit to go the distance and dedicate extra time to study.

2) Ask a lot of questions. The leading students of knowledge throughout history were known as inquisitive students before they become scholars.

Even among the companions, Ayesha Bint Abi Bakr (RA) and Abu Hurairah (RA) were known for asking deeper questions. This led to them become the leading scholars of their generation. The same method applies today. If you want to understand a concept deeper, ask your teachers the kind of questions that will give you a stronger understanding of the topic.

3) Study beyond the textbook. Ask your teachers or the senior students for recommended resources in the field that you are studying, make it a point and study those resources.

If there are four famous books on a topic, don’t limit yourself to the one prescribed as your textbook. Make time to read the other three as well. Studying such resources will give you a deeper understanding of the topic as well as open your eyes to differences of opinion and different approaches.

4) Attend supplementary classes. Research and find other classes on the topic you are studying, even if it means requesting a scholar to teach you a deeper book privately. Many scholars teach private classes outside their work time for the dedicated students and will be happy to accommodate such a request.

5) Never stop studying. This final point is crucial. Many people never study beyond the curriculum for the rest of their lives and are content with the introductory level courses. This limits your ability to benefit from your knowledge or benefit others with it.

In order to become a true scholar of Islam, you must embark of a life-long journey of seeking knowledge. You must be dedicated to being a student of knowledge for life. The thirst for knowledge should never feel quenched. There should always be a desire to learn more, to understand deeper, and to get closer to Allah through such knowledge.

Written by Shaykh Ismail Kamdar. Shaykh Ismail has spent almost two decades studying Islam and is the author of multiple books. All his ebooks can be found here.

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Productivity

Six tips for gaining Barakah in your life

Barakah refers to blessings that Allah puts into our time, health, wealth, and other resources helping us get more out of these than we would have thought is possible. Many people complain about the lack of Barakah in their time, but that can be avoided. Here are 6 things you can do to earn some Barakah:

1. Establish the Five Daily Prayers

If you are not praying five time a day, you cannot expect Barakah in your time. Praying five times a day is the primary act of worship required from us as servants of Allah, and if we neglect this duty, we should not expect Barakah in other aspects of our lives.

2. Pray for Barakah

If you want Barakah is your time, then just like any other gift from Allah, you need to ask Allah for it. Ask Allah daily in your private duas for Barakah in your time, effort, wealth, health and efforts. A sincere dua does not go unheard.

3. Utilize the early morning hours

The last one third of the night and the early hours of the morning are times which are full of Barakah. Try it out one day, wake up for Tahajjud and then work on some of your most important tasks after Tahajjud and Fajr. You will notice that you will be able to get more done in less time due to the blessings that Allah has placed in this time.

4. Keep your earnings, spending, food and goals Halal

For any prayer to be answered, it must be made by someone who has not tainted his wealth or food with that which Allah has prohibited. Strive your best to earn Halal wealth, spend it properly, purchase only Halal food, and set noble goals. If you do so, you will earn Barakah from Allah.

5. Give a lot of Charity (Sadaqah)

Many of us know that the way to increase the Barakah in our wealth is to spend it on others. The same applies to our time. Volunteer your time for noble causes and you will find yourself with extra time to chase your goals. As the more wealth you give others, the more Allah gives you. Likewise, the more time you spend on others, the more Allah blesses your time.

6. Be grateful for what you have

Allah tells us in the Qur’an:

وَإِذْ تَأَذَّنَ رَبُّكُمْ لَئِنْ شَكَرْتُمْ لَأَزِيدَنَّكُمْ ۖ وَلَئِنْ كَفَرْتُمْ إِنَّ عَذَابِي لَشَدِيدٌ

“And remember when your Lord proclaimed, if you are grateful, I shall give you more, and if you are ungrateful then my punishment is severe,”[1]

This means that increase in anything is linked to how grateful we are to Allah for granting us that thing. So if we want Barakah in our time, we must be grateful to Allah for the time He has already blessed us with, instead of complaining about what we don’t have. The formula is simple and applies to any area of life: gratitude leads to increase, and complaints lead to decrease.

[1] Surah Ibrahim 14:07

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Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Productivity, Time Management
FREE 10 Self-Help Tips E-Book!

FREE 10 Self-Help Tips E-Book!

Free Self Help book

Our free self help book focuses on 10 Self Help Tips from 10 authentic Hadiths. The Hadiths (Prophet Narration) form an integral part of the Islamic knowledge base and serve as a means of guidance for Muslims in every area of one’s life. This includes the area of Self-Help.

As an introduction to Self-Help from an Islamic perspective, I have compiled a free e-book explaining 10 authentic Hadiths from a Self-help perspective.

To get this new e-book, all you have to do is click here. Note that although this is a free self help book, you can pay whatever you wish for it. This payment will be taken as a gift to the Islamic Self Help team. Click here to begin your journey of Islamic Self Help.

free self help book

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Books

Islamic Self-Confidence Book – Now Available


Islamic Self-Confidence Book Introduction:

Long ago, the world’s most powerful empire was the Muslim empire. It was a nation full of scholars, doctors, scientists, ethical businessmen and genius inventors. The early Muslim nation was founded by confident individuals, who trusted Allah’s plan, using their God-given talents to make this world a better place.

But somewhere down the line, things changed. The empire declined until it became a shell of its former self. Then it broke into many fragmented pieces. This was followed by a generation of followers and imitators, low in confidence, feeling inferior to others, following and never daring to lead. The ummah lost its confidence, but we can get it back by going back to that which made the early generations successful.

Allah has created us and declared that we are among the best of Creation. He has given us an important role to play on earth. In order to do justice to that role, we will have to challenge social norms, step outside our comfort zones, deal with rejection and often times speak in public. All of this require a lot of confidence.

There exist many misconceptions about confidence in the Muslim world and many people misunderstand it as a negative trait. In my upcoming book, I will clarify misconceptions about self-confidence and elaborate on a Tawheed-centered lifestyle that will help you overcome your fears, step out of your comfort zone and chase your goals.

Best Of Creation: An Islamic Guide to Self-Confidence is now available for purchase here.

Do you suffer from low self-confidence and have been struggling to find an Islamic solution to this problem?

Then this Islamic Self-Confidence e-book is for you!

Through this e-book, you will:

  1. Gain practical steps and tips for boosting your confidence
  2. Gain the necessary confidence to pursue your life goals
  3. Understand the role of Tawheed, Tawakul, and Sabr in boosting confidence
  4. Learn the difference between confidence and arrogance
  5. Overcome myths and misconceptions about confidence
  6. Understand the causes of low self-confidence
  7. Over 190 pages of confidence building content

What our readers are saying:

“Ismail Kamdar’s new book provides exactly the right balance between Islam and the psychological aspects behind confidence, Masha’Allah. The author of this book does a brilliant job in offering action points that are easy to implement, regardless of your knowledge of Islam and level of practicing.” (Aisha – IOU Blog)

““Best of Creation” by Abu Muawiyah Ismail Kamdar is such a refreshing read. It goes to the core of things by firstly establishing the importance of realising our reason for existence.” (Zarina – Muslim Women Exposed)

Don’t delay! Begin your journey towards Islamic confidence right now!

Islamic Self-Confidence

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Books, Self Confidence

Time Management ebook

I am excited to announce the launch of my NEW Time Management ebook “Getting the Barakah”.

This is the first time management book to combine Islamic principles like Tawakul,  dua and Muhaasabah with modern day time management techniques, all presented in a simple format.

The core of the book focuses on a six step system of time management. This is followed by a chapter containing dozens of tested time management tips.

Note: This Time Management ebook is now only available via this website at this link.

Are you ready to overcome procrastination and get things done?

Introducing Abu Muawiyah’s #1 Best-Selling E-Book, Getting The Barakah!

With this e-book, you will:

  • Learn a 6 step process for effective time management
  • Learn how to gain Barakah in your time
  • Discover dozens of effective and tested Time Management Tips
  • Understand the importence of time management in Islam
  • Discover practical examples of time management in action
  • Over 150 pages of time management tips

Don’t procrastinate! Begin your journey towards effective time management Now!

What our readers are saying:

“Getting the Barakah is a personal narrative, which puts our deen at its forefront. Abu Muawiyah’s writing style is laconic and crisp, his tone is objective and emotional and his approach is simple and pragmatic enabling him to connect with his readers.” – Umm Bilal, Sisters’ Magazine

“Br. Kamdar’s book is full of specific ideas on how to control your time and accomplish your goals…I also love how his book reminds us to take care of ourselves and to even reward ourselves for our small victories! He also urges you to “invest in yourself” by learning new skill” – Sheima, Islamic Online University

“There aren’t many books in English aimed at helping Muslims with time management. Getting The Barakah changes that… this book is highly recommended for any Muslim who is looking for a way to improve his/her time management skill and to live a more fulfilling life.” – Shamsiyyah, The Ideal Muslimah

Purchase your copy of Getting The Barakah today and also receive 4 Time Management templates.

Don’t procrastinate! Begin your journey towards effective time management Now!

Time Management ebook

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Books, Time Management