
Simplify Your Life

Simplify Your Life

Life was not meant to be so cluttered, busy, and exhausting. Modern technology was designed to make life easier for people, yet in many ways life has gotten so complicated that many people no longer have time for the things that really matter. Perhaps we have crowded our lives with too many devices, apps, and distractions, which prevents us from focusing on things that really matter. Perhaps then it is time to consider simplifying our lives by removing some unnecessary distractions.

Islam encourages us to live simple content lives focused on things that really matter, God, family, community, and purpose. I discuss each of these topics in detail in my new book 25 Keys to a Happy Life. A Muslim’s life should not revolve around just work, paying bills, and entertainment. A truly enriched life requires striking a balance and making time for things that really matter.

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, “Verily, simple living is part of faith, simple living is part of faith,” (Sunan Abī Dāwūd 4161)

If you feel like life has become overwhelming and too busy, it may be time to simplify. Here are a few tips on how to effectively simplify your life and make time for the things that really matter.

Figure out your priorities

Make time to figure out what matters to you. More specifically, figure out things that are important which you have not been able to make time for. Once you have a list of priorities that you are neglecting, you now have incentive to remove unnecessary distractions from your life to make time for these priorities. Examples of priorities that people tend to neglect these days includes health, personal development, spiritual growth, family, and long-term goals.

Avoid Excess in Anything

Too much of anything is bad for you. This includes too much food, too much sleep, too much entertainment, and too many distractions. Analyse your life and figure out what you may overindulging in. It may be that overeating or oversleeping is making you lazy, or that too much time is wasted and lost in entertainment. Perhaps it may be a mental block like obsessing too much over money or the past. Figure out where your excesses are and make plans to reduce these things to make time for your priorities. For example, if you are spending too much time playing videogames while neglecting your health, consider playing less games to make time for exercising.

Limit Technology to that which is beneficial

Technology has taken over our lives in the modern world. Too many people are constantly connected to the internet and staring at screens all day long. This is not healthy or productive and can cause a lot of health problems. Technology has become a crutch and a distraction for many people. The reality is that a lot of new technology is not important or necessary, and much of it is distracting.

A good example of this is social media. Too many people spend countless hours scrolling through social media. The amount of time people spend scrolling through social media could have been spent with family or focused on worship or personal growth. Instead, it is wasted. Do we really need to be online all day long? Do we really need to know what the latest social media drama or gossip is about? Perhaps it is time we simplified by removing some of these apps from our lives.

Avoid unnecessary distractions

There is so much out there that is distracting people from things that really matter. Social media is perhaps the biggest example of this, but there are other things as well. We are distracted by video games, streaming services, constant notifications, among other things. These are some of the dangers of living in an always connected era.

To avoid distractions, we should consider having times of the day in which we are disconnected from the internet. Time that should be spent in worship, deep though, deep work, and connecting with people in person. At such times, it is out duty to disconnect from unnecessary distractions and focus on the priority.

Avoid information overdoses

We are bombarded with too much information in the modern world, more than our hearts and minds are capable of handling. The constant barrage of information through social media, streaming, messages, and websites have made it difficult for us to even make time to think and process any new information we have learned. This can cause a lot of mental distress and lead to exhaustion and sometimes even depression.

Control the flow of information in your life. Check news as and when needed. Limit social media feeds by checking them less often or only when necessary. Spend time offline so you have time to think, process, and store any new important information you have gained. Remember that as Muslims we must pursue beneficial knowledge and avoid useless information. We need to be intentional in controlling the information that enters our minds and hearts.

Rediscover contentment

Simplifying our lives means rediscovering the true keys to happiness. We do not need to be chronically online, always connected, and always entertained to be happy. We do not need an abundance of gadgets and possessions, or a lot of wealth to be happy. Happiness lies in prioritizing your relationship with the Creator above all else, living a purposeful life, and making time for family, community and self-improvement. Simple living is were the blessings lie.

I conclude with a quotation from my latest book 25 Keys to a Happy Life:

“The truth is that most of us do not need that much to live happy, content lives. If you take the time to do the math, you may realize it is a much more achievable number than you realize. Once you figure it out, work towards earning that amount of wealth, then be content. Chasing a second valley of gold could open the doors of greed and distract you from enjoying what you already have.” (Ismail Kamdar, 25 Keys, p. 53)

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Inner Peace, Life Hacks